Imam Ayyub Sakhtiyani Praised Imam Abu Hanifa – Research

In this post we shall tell you what the great Hujjah Imam Ayyub Sakhtiyaani, narrator of Bukhari and Muslim said regarding the greatest of the 4 imams, Imam al Adham abu Hanifa radiallahi anhu. Great Status of Imam Ayyub Sakhtiyaani It is reported that Hammad ibn Zaid said: Ayyub [Al-Sakhtiyani] used to have a red … Continue reading Imam Ayyub Sakhtiyani Praised Imam Abu Hanifa – Research

Imam Mofiq Khuwarzimi & Manaqib Imam Abu Hanifa Research

In this post we shall look into the authenticity of the author of a famous book called Manaqib Imam Abu Hanifa and we shall prove that he was a Sudooq narrator and his book and narrations are accepted! If you are a reader of my website then you may already know this, if you love … Continue reading Imam Mofiq Khuwarzimi & Manaqib Imam Abu Hanifa Research

Who was Imam Shobi شعبي Aamir bin Sharjeel 160H

113 – الشعبي عامر بن شراحيل بن عبد بن ذي كبار وذو كبار: قيل من أقيال اليمن، الإمام، علامة العصر، أبو عمرو الهمداني، ثم الشعبي. مولده: في إمرة عمر بن الخطاب، لست سنين خلت منها، فهذه رواية. وعن أحمد بن يونس: ولد الشعبي سنة ثمان وعشرين وقال محمد بن سعد : هو من حمير، وعداده … Continue reading Who was Imam Shobi شعبي Aamir bin Sharjeel 160H

Imam Shobi شعبي & Rafa ul Yadain in Salah – Hadith Research

In this post we shall tell you about the great Scholar of Islam, Imam Aamir bin Sharjeel r.a who met nearly 500 companions of Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho aleh wasallam and his position on Rafa ul Yadain in 5 Daily obligatory prayers. This post shall also serve as a refutation for those who accuse the followers … Continue reading Imam Shobi شعبي & Rafa ul Yadain in Salah – Hadith Research

Abdullah ibn Masud & Tafdeel of Caliph Ali – Shia Allegation Answered

Did Abdullah ibn Masud ever say that Ali was the most virtues of the companions and Afdal than Abu Bakr and Umar? RadiAllahu Anhum wa alaihumussalam. مذکورہ اثر میں لفظ ”افضل“ راوی کی خطا ہے جبکہ صحیح لفظ ”اقضی“ یعنی قاضی ہے۔ This is wrong because the word Afdal in this narration is a mistake … Continue reading Abdullah ibn Masud & Tafdeel of Caliph Ali – Shia Allegation Answered

Imam ibn Qudamah The Mufawwiḍ – Belief

In the name of Allāh, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful. Introduction Several quotes from the Imām, Muwaffaq al-Dīn ibn Qudāmah al-Maqdisī al-Ḥanbalī (referred to as Imām ibn Qudāmah henceforth), have been shared for some time, surrounding which there has been some dispute and claims of ambiguity. Two parties have proliferated these statements, each claiming … Continue reading Imam ibn Qudamah The Mufawwiḍ – Belief